
HABA Pro Tretford Carpet with Stitched Edges, 1341311

Lead time: 12-14 Weeks

Step into a world of quality, vibrancy & distinction-w/Tretford® natural
fiber commercial carpets. Proven to positively affect indoor air quality.

HABA Pro Tretford Carpet with Stitched Edges, 1341311.
Round: 78¾" / 118¼". Sq: 78¾" x 78¾. Rect: 78¾" x 118¼".
Climate regulating. Ten year warranty. Made in Ireland.

Tretford Carpet Advantages:

  • Durable
  • Fray resistant.
  • Long-wearing.
  • Noise dampening

  • Replaces Items: 341313, 341311, 341309 & 848355.

    Carpet Options:
    1341311: 78¾" x 78¾" Square
    1341309: 78¾" x 118¼" Rectangle
    1341313: 118¼"Diameter
    1848355: 78¾"Diameter

    Choose Carpet Size & Color.
    More Information
    Brand HABA Pro